Saturday, December 20, 2008


Imagine this. You lead a very healthy life. You don’t drink, smoke, regular sleeping pattern, take your vegetables, drink plenty of water, and don’t smoke.

Except that you are living with a roommate that does. Who constantly lit his cigarettes as often as they can as their life depending on it. How would you feel? Like all your effort and conceptual healthy living is going into the drain.

Being a secondhand smoker is found to be more dangerous than the smoker himself. Just to share a personal experience, I have 2 schoolmates who lost their mothers due to cancer suspected by doctors suffering from secondhand smoker.

In our noble effort to breath fresh air (well some of use spend good money just to spend the weekend far from the city for ‘fresh air’), we try to ignore how this smokers are also polluting our air to breath. We fork out a bomb for good air filter yet sadly we still have to bear with the annoying smoke we inhale, reluctantly.

Picture above:I will let the picture do the talking

When the government are banning some public places from smoking, people like us may say ‘Hurray’. Then it continued by recent development with the banning from smoking at the pedestrian pavement.

I hope these are not the end. Aggressive ways need to be enforce to tackle these problems. My opinion is that school children who are found smoking will be canned and punished as this is not a matter to be taken lightly. More secluded area could be made for the smokers, so they won’t interfere with the serenity left in our fresh air.

We need fresh air. We have the right to that.

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